This legal notice and the general conditions made available to the user of the Swingin’ Cadí festival, are exposed permanently on this website, allowing them to be filed and printed and, therefore, making easier for the user to be previously informed of the conditions of access and use of Swingin’ Cadi Festival, and the hiring conditions under which the different services will be provided.

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the organizing association of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival are presented below.

We Swing Pirineu Legal Notice and General Conditions

The present legal notice and the general conditions made available to the user by the organization of the Swingin’ Cadí festival, are permanently exposed on this website, allowing to be filed and printed and, therefore, facilitate the user to be previously informed of the Conditions of access and use of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival, and of the hiring conditions under which the different services will be provided.

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, then the identification data of the Organizing Association of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival are presented.

We Swing Pirineu Association

NIF No. G25838491

Saloria Av. 66, 25700, Seu de Urgel, Lleida


The We Swing Pirineu Association and the organizers of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival, hereinafter the provider, responsible for the website and the organization of the festival, make this document available to users with which they intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as informing all users of the website regarding what are the conditions of use of the website.

Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance whit the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. The fact of accessing this page implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the website of the provider.

This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. In principle, correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or that force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that make access to the website impossible.

01 General terms and conditions

The Swingin’ Cadí Festival is organized by We Swing Pirineu association, NIF No. G25838491, and headquarters in AV. Saloria, 66, 25700, in La Seu de Urgel, Lleida. With email

All registrations will be processed prior acceptance of the festival conditions described below.

These general terms and conditions are the essential part of the contract-registration between the Organization and the person who registers at the Swingin’ Cadí Festival. If you do not agree to this document during the registration process, and therefore do not agree document during the registration (and therefore do not agree to the terms), you will not be able to attend the festival.

02 Registration procedure, payment and cancellation policy

1- The user must fill in the web registration form.

2- Once the Registration form has been done and after having accepted the legal notice and the general conditions, you will receive an automatic email, with the confirmation of its registration and the corresponding pay rate. You will also receive the payment method that you can use and the indications of how to proceed, with the amount to be paid.

3- You can make the payment by Bizum or bank card to the We Swing Pirineu account.

4- When paying, during the next 72h, you will receive an email confirming your assistance at the festival.

In the event that the places sold out, registrants may be placed on a waiting list. They will receive an email informing about their situation.

The usual payment method at the Swingin’ Cadí festival is a single payment of 100% of the amount, via bank card or Bizum. Being aware of the effort involved for certain people to make a single 100% payment, the organization offers fractional payment in two deadlines, for those who need it. In that case, they must contact the organization through the email and the relevant management will be done. There will be 2 payment modalities:

1- Totality of 100% of the amount after receiving the confirmation mail. When registering, the user will receive an automatic mail with the corresponding data to make the payment and will have 10 natural days to make the payment of 100% of the amount by Bank card or Bizum.

If after those 10 natural days the payment has not occurred, the registration will be cancelled and the slot will be released. Once the payment has been made, the provider considers that the registration is paid, and will not be compromised to any partial or total refund, to cover all the management expenses and/or detrimentals as, for example, not allowing pre-registrations after the cancelled one.

2- Fractional payment in 2 amounts: The user can pay in 2 deadly lines 30 days. It will be necessary to indicate in the section *Comments of the registration form, the intention of wanting to make the fractional payment in 2 amounts. After the organization authorizes the payment, you can pay 50% of the payment making a bank transfer. The second payment must be made up to 30 calendar days by bank transfer. After 31 days of the first payment, in case of not seeing the second payment made, the organization will cancel the user registration and will be withdrawn from the list. The first payment made in case of cancelling your registration will not be refund.

Once the 2 payments has been made, the provider considers that the registration is paid, and will not be compromised to any partial or total refund, to cover all the management expenses and/or detrimentals as, for example, not allowing pre-registrations after the cancelled one.

General principles, cancellation, return and refund:

1- In any case, if you find another person interested (same roll and same kind of registration) in taking your place, registration change will be done without any additional charge. Due to the peculiarities of the festival, where accommodation, half -pension, lessons, activities in nature … are included, hiring such services do not allow name changes within the week prior to the Swingin’ Cadí festival. For this reason, the provider grants as a deadline to make the changes of participants on June 25, 2025. In any case, any change should be reported to the Organization before that date, via mail to the address Any changes not notified or made outside the deadline will not be accepted, and no one outside the official registration list will be accepted at the registration site on June 26, 2025.

2- In case of medical urgency, which occurred in the days before the festival, the organization of the swingin’ Cadí, will value in a deep way the situation, but it will be required the doctor’s notes or other supporting papers. We consider medical urgency: accidents, bone lesions and/or bone fractures, sudden and serious conditions requiring hospitalization and viral or bacterial transmission diseases that may put at risk the rest of the festival participants. We don’t consider a medical urgency injuries caused weeks before the festival, with medical discharge date the days of the festival. In these cases, the participant is responsible for reporting to the Organization and request the name change to avoid risk of not being able to attend the festival, due that the injury couldn’t recovered in a definitive way; or take the risk of waiting until the lesion is recovered as to attend the festival as usual. In both cases the participant is responsible for that decision.

3- In cases of force majeure such as pandemic, epidemic, outbreak, crisis, war, terrorist attack, labour strikes, extreme weather, government actions,…Swingin’ Cadí could cancel, postpone or modify the nature of the festival, as well as absolve itself of the responsibility of making a complete refund for reasons beyond its control. In any case, the organization may retain a percentage of the amount paid under the concept of administrative fees. Administrative fees consist of covering the part of the expenses already produced and not recoverable during the year prior to the event. In any case, the organization will always try to consider alternative options to reduce the damage to both.

Another option that the provider offers the festival users in case of cancelling or postponing the event, is about transferring their passes for the new date of the event.

In the event that all levels are not completed, the event provider may have to reorganize the groups, informing by email of any change and alternative options.

03 Changes

The Organization reserves the right to change schedules, location, teachers, bands and prices of the festival and/or parties, and communicate any of these changes through the website.

04 Damage and prejudices

The Organization will not be held responsible for any physical injuries, or theft/damage of private property that might occur during the Swingin’ Cadí Festival.

05 Signature and acceptance of legal notice and general conditions

The acceptance by clicking on the legal notice and the general conditions for the attendees of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival on the registration form of the website at the time of the registration, declare that they fully agree with the content of this document, and that they will obey all its rules and regulations.

06 Protection of personal data and image rights

The user, full or partial participant of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival, being of legal age, in full use of their civil rights, declares that during the days of the event, they may be photographed and/or filmed. These images are intended to portray the events of the Swingin’ Cadí Festival, and in no case is there a mercantilist Nature of any of these images. The Organization of the Swingin’ Cadí festival is not responsible for the use that third parties or outside companies make of said images without prior authorization.

For all of which, you expressly AUTHORIZE the use of YOUR PERSONAL IMAGE resulting from said festival for the aforementioned purpose, without said authorization being subject to any time period or being restricted to the national scope of any country.

And for the record and to take effect, I agree with this authorization under the provisions of Organic Law 1/1982, of May 5, on Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, Personal and Family Privacy and Self-Image. The acceptance of these general terms implies the authorization of this clause on the transfer of image rights.

In compliance with Art.5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Data Protection: Right to information in data collection, we inform you that we are committed to guaranteeing the privacy of your personal data collected in your file.

We inform you that the personal data collected will be incorporated into a file under our responsibility, for data processing, with the purpose of: managing your user file within the legal framework and commercial prospecting of the products and services offered by the Swingin’ Cadí Festival.

We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at any time by sending a written communication attaching a copy of the DNI or documentation equivalent to the email address clearly indicating the right You wish to exercise.

The Organization undertakes to implement the security measures of a technical and organizational nature that are adequate and sufficient to guarantee the security of personal data as well as to guarantee the secrecy and confidentiality of the information.

The Swingin’ Cadí Festival may install data storage and recovery devices, also called cookies, on your computer in order to know information about visitors to its website. In no case, these data will be personal data. Your browser will sometimes generate a message in which if you continue browsing the website you accept cookies.

07 Code of conduct

In no case will any type of violent, sexist, intimidating, racist or exclusionary behaviour be tolerated. If you observe or experience any inappropriate behaviour during the festival, please contact the organization immediately. The organization undertakes to treat any report made by the attendees with sensitivity and to keep all details as confidential as possible. Likewise, the organization reserves the right to expel any person who acts inappropriately.

The above guidelines apply to everyone attends Swingin’ Cadí Festival, including staff members, volunteers, teachers, musicians, judges and participants.

By accepting the legal notice and general conditions of this website, the festival attendee is obliged to behave in accordance with the general rules and with the current laws of the Spanish penal Code. In case of committing any fault or crime, it will be placed under the jurisdiction of the State security forces.

08 Update and modification of the website

The provider reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its website, and its configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any type responsibility for doing so.

Intellectual and industrial property:

The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the provider or, where appropriate, licensed or authorized by of the authors. All contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registries.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, requires in any case prior written authorization by the provider. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the Autor.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics outside the provider and that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them.

To make any type of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the following email

09 legislation and applicable jurisdiction

In general, relations with users, derived from the provision of our activities and services contained in this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. For the resolution of all conflicts derived or related to its use, it will be carried out in the Courts and Tribunals of Lleida.

Users on this website are aware of everything that has been exposed and accept it voluntarily.