

No level auditions will be performed. We will move the participants only if we believe that it will help the proper functioning of the lessons


Begginer +

You have started dancing a few months ago and you haven’t spent much time socially dancing.

You know the difference between 6 and 8 counts, Charlestone’s basic steps, but you still don’t have much confidence.

You intend to evolve your dance and learn how to communicate better with your partner, enjoy music and improvisation.

Our teachers will guide you with love during the weekend, so you have an unforgettable experience.



This is the level where most Hoppers, who practice Lindy as a hobby, are comfortable.

You have learned the concepts of Bounce, rhythm, you have worked the technique, connection and musicality. You know most of the basic movements (circle, promenade, tuck-turn, 6 and 8 steps, swing out, charleston) and some variations. You can easily connect the basic steps and transmit-to your partner successfully. You regularly participate in social dance of your city or surroundings. The average times are your favourites and it still costs you a bit to dance with fast or slow times.

You would like to improve your dance at any speed, dance more fluently and musical and add new movements, rhythms or styles to your dance.



This level is for dancers who attend lessons or courses regularly or practice a little bit at home.

You have attended workshops and/or some festival/s. You are going to dance frequently and you can mix steps fluently. You are well known as Hopper and take care of your partner on the dance floor.

You feel comfortable dancing swing outs at different speeds and using more advanced movements such as Sugar Push and similar steps aren’t a mystery for you. You have also begin to understand the importance of jazz steps in your dance and dominate Shim Sham.

You want to know more rhythmic variations and develop your musicality, extend your vocabulary, learn from the history and values of Lindy, improve your improvisation and be able to express yourself in a free and personal way on the dance floor.



This level is for experienced dancers, who practice at home weekly and Lindy Hop is already part of their life.

You have attended workshops, some festivals &/or did some competitions. You are going to dance frequently, you can mix steps fluently and you feel comfortable at any tempo. You are capable of doing Swing Out and other steps at a very fast tempo.

Your connection is solid and you use different “stretch” techniques while dancing. You are able to enrich your dance with Solo Jazz movements when you are dancing with your couple.

You enjoy the rhythm, syncopation and musicality while you’re dancing. You can memorize new steps and routines easily like the Bigg Apple.

At this level our teachers will give their best to squeeze your qualities and to surprise you on to the wonderful world of musicality and to the free interpretation during your dance with your couple.


Friday June 27th

Inside the new place we can enjoy dancing without stopping with our favorite band SWING ENGINE DANCE QUINTET.

We will also take the opportunity to present the teachers who will teach the following 2 days.

2 hours concert and a little more Jam to finish this first day with a good taste.

We also have some prepared surprises …

Place: Sala Polivalent

Hours: from 10pm to 02h


Buy individual entrance

Saturday June 28th

Day of taking advantage of everything learned and relating with as many people as possible to continue enjoying this magical experience.

This time, we will make 3 parts of concert that will lengthen and let all the attendees dance until they are exhausted. And if all your energy has not been exhausted, we have prepared a jam with our own DJ to dance until the legs say enough.

Place: Sala Polivalent

Hours: from 10pm to 04h


Buy individual entrance

Sunday June 29th: Final party

We have prepared a “pica pica” meal for all hoppers who want to participate.

After eating we can enjoy an afternoon jam with our local DJ and end the festival with a good feeling and with a lot of new experiences.

Place: To confirm

Hours: from 2pm to 7pm

Music: DJ We Swing Pirineu


Planning schedule

4h30 hours of lessons per level will be held, 1h30 with each couple of teachers, distributed between Saturday (10 am to 8pm) and on Sunday (10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.).

Soon we will put more information

Contact us for more information


Hotel Avenida, Hotel Nice & Hotel Glorieta

You’ll enjoy a good stay.

Includes half pension: Friday dinner, breakfast and dinner on Saturday and Sunday breakfast.

The rooms will be shared between 2 or 3 people.

Please, if you come as a couple and want to sleep in the same room, tell us during the subscription form and we will take it into account.